When you want to change the appearance, design, or layout of a commercial building or facility, two options available to you include renovating the building and demolishing. A demolition involves knocking or tearing something down. If the changes you want to make are substantial, demolishing some or all of the building in order to rebuild it may be the best option at your disposal.
However, it’s important that you look into the total demolition costs before you proceed with the project. Rebuilding a commercial building is usually much more expensive than renovating it, which is why you’ll want to calculate the costs to determine if a complete rebuild would fit into the budget that you’ve set for the project at hand.
Before you decide to demolish the building in question, one factor that you must take into account is the possibility that the structure contains at least a small amount of asbestos. Many buildings that were constructed before 1980 were made with asbestos, which is a type of heat-resistant silicate material that was mainly used in insulating materials. This specific substance is a carcinogen that can cause numerous health problems, which is why special care must be taken to remove it before demolition can occur. Removal of the asbestos should be handled by a team of professionals. The cost of removing asbestos is around $2-3 for every square foot.
Keep in mind that any demolition project requires a permit before the demolition is allowed to go through. A demolition permit typically costs from $450 to $2,500 approximately, depending on the complexity of the project certain issues, and can be obtained from the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. Before you make your final decision, it’s highly recommended that you have the building inspected. Along with identifying the presence of asbestos, an inspection can identify cracked foundations or mold throughout the structure. This article provides a complete guide on everything you should know about the demolition process.
If you would like to demolish a commercial building, you must keep in mind that all demolition projects are priced by square foot, which means that larger commercial buildings will invariably cost more to demolish than smaller ones. While the costs associated with a demolition project can vary depending on numerous factors, you should expect to pay around $4-8 per square foot. While these projects are less expensive than deconstruction projects, they can still cost an ample sum of money. The main reason for these high costs is for advanced machinery must be used to complete the demolition process. Even though machinery costs less than manual labor, the expenses can still be high if the project takes more than a day to complete.
Factors Affecting Your Demolition Costs.
There are different factors that can affect the demolition costs that you pay. These factors include:
- The size of the building
- The location of the building, which can dictate how much it costs to hire a demolition crew
- The contractor you choose to hire
- Accessibility of the location
The first thing you need to consider before starting the demolition process is if an inspection is necessary. While you can certainly skip the inspection, it’s highly recommended that you obtain one before proceeding with the demolition. This inspection can identify mold, asbestos, and structural issues that will be better addressed before demolition occurs. In fact, the EPA requires that asbestos be safety removed from a building before it’s demolished. If these issues are left in place, the crew that works on the project could be at risk of suffering from various health problems.
Keep in mind that every utility should be shut off before you proceed with the project. These utilities include gas, electric, sewer, and water. Turning these utilities off beforehand ensures the safety (and a cost as well) of anyone who works on the project at hand. As mentioned previously, many of the materials in a commercial building can be salvaged and sold, which will allow you to make some money from the project. These materials can be resold, recycled, or donated. It’s recommended that you consider this option if you would like to benefit from the tax breaks that come with it.
Your best call is to hire the experts. We are ECG, We are safety first.
This field definitely needs some expert hands and skill. So, have you decided on what type of project you need? Make sure you research on this for a while before coming up with a decision.
We pride ourselves in providing Demolition, abatement and Environmental Services you can depend on. (Concrete cutting, coring, green demolition, disinfection and sterilization cleaning services, asbestos abatement and more) Contact us to get started on your next project, Call us: 562-438-7999.