Demolition Most Common Hazardous Substances
Working on a construction site can pose various risks for field workers. Construction sites often contain many hazardous substances such as dust, fumes, and gases that can be extremely harmful to worker’s health and wellbeing.
Hazardous substances come in many forms including gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists and construction jobsites have more than their fair share of these substances. Manufacturers publish material safety data sheets that explain the properties, dangers, and safe working conditions for the potentially hazardous substances they produce. These are often included with product and material specifications for construction projects, and are available from the manufacturers.
One of the most common substances on construction sites is dust. Although dust may not seem like a hazardous substance, when inhaled repeatedly, it can cause various lung problems and diseases. Dust on construction sites usually falls into one of three groups: wood dust, silica dust, and lower toxicity dust. Wood dust comes from handling wood through sanding and cutting and can damage lungs. Lower toxicity dust comes from working with drywall, marble, and other substances and can also damage lungs and airways. Silica dust is the most dangerous and causes the fastest damage. Silica dust comes from working with materials such as sandstone and concrete. The dust is often very fine, causing it to lodge deeply in the lungs. The results of silica dust inhalation can range from asthma to silicosis to lung cancer.
You can find solvents in adhesives, paints, and cleaning fluids. While they are generally thought of as hazardous when inhaled, they are also dangerous when they come into contact with your skin. Solvents come in handy for dissolving grease, oils, and paints, and they also thin out materials like stains. Examples include acetone, alcohol, benzene, esters, ketones, and mineral spirits.
These substances are dangerous because breathing them, getting them on your skin, and swallowing them not only immediately affect nerves and brain function, but they also get stored in body fat. Whenever you’re working around these materials there is also a greater danger of fire
Man-made mineral fibers
Man-made mineral fibers are commonly found on the construction site and are usually made from glass, rockwool, ceramic and other substances. These substances are highly irritating when they come into contact with lungs, eyes, and skin and can cause permanent damage
Other Common Hazards
Another class of hazardous substances almost always present on construction sites are man-made mineral fibers. These fibers are generally made from glass, ceramic, rockwool, and slagwool, and are usually used for temperature and sound insulation. Whenever you install or remove these materials, you are exposed to tiny fibers that can get lodged in your lungs. They are often irritating to the skin and can damage your eyes. Some types of these fibers, particularly the fibers classed as refractory ceramic fibers may require specialized personal protective equipment when working with them.
Mold is also increasingly showing up as a concern on construction sites, especially in remodeling and moisture-trapped buildings. Molds come in many colors, and they can adapt to varying levels of moisture. People exposed to damp conditions and to mold inside buildings sometimes suffer from respiratory symptoms, asthma, allergies, and respiratory infections. Mold can also break down building materials and can release volatile organic compounds.
We are ECG, We are safety first.
This field definitely needs some expert hands and skill. So, have you decided on what type of project you need? Make sure you research on this for a while before coming up with a decision.
We pride ourselves in providing Demolition, abatement and Environmental Services you can depend on. (Concrete cutting, coring, green demolition, disinfection and sterilization cleaning services, asbestos abatement and more)
Contact us to get started on your next project, Call us: 562-438-7999.