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Tips to prepare physical offices for the end of the quarantine for COVID-19.

Perhaps we still see our return to our working life a bit distant, but whether it is so or not, the fact is that sooner and later we will have to rejoin our working life, many things will change including our working environment and development. 

In this article we want to present you some tips to prepare your office for the return of quarantine, maintaining measures that allow you and your staff working with you to be safe. 


• Educate staff on facility policies and practices to minimize chance of exposure to respiratory pathogens including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.  

• Train and educate staff with job-or task-specific information on preventing transmission of infectious agents, including refresher training. 

 • Educate staff about COVID-19 evaluation and treatment. 


Contact a professional decontamination services provider. The purpose is to remove the infectious diseases usually caused by bacteria or viruses like Covid-19 spread by human to human contact, human contact with an infected surface, or airborne agents suspended in the air. 


Provide hand sanitizer, approved respirators, face shields/goggles, surgical masks, gloves, and gowns for all caregivers and staff to use. 

Stay informed. Visit your state and local department of health’s website weekly or develop a reliable method for routine epidemiologic monitoring. Make appropriate connections with local and state health department staff. 

Appropriate disinfectant for environmental cleaning. Train staff and assess that it is used correctly. 

Simple precautions and planning can make a big difference. Action now will help protect your employees and your business.